Note: We are moving many of our internal files to our Intranet. If you are an Enterprises Employee please visit My CPPE Employee Intranet portal for additional forms, policies, documents, etc. Access is limited to current CPP Enterprises employees only.
Foundation Financial Services operates in a professional and business-like manner with a high degree of technical competency to meet both internal and external reporting requirements.
Foundation Financial Services Accounting Department is responsible for accounts payable (payments to vendors, individuals and the University), purchase orders, purchasing cards, travel, fixed assets and risk management for Foundation commercial operations, and campus program accounts.
Financial Systems are responsible for OneSolution/finance enterprise related issues, banking (wire transfer), credit card setup/inquiries (chargeback), distribution of Foundation Programs Financial Systems, and new account setup.
General Financial is responsible for budgeting, accounts receivable, non-sufficient funds, Inter-departmental transfers (IDT), deposits, Endowments, donations, financial reporting, bronco bucks, gift cards, petty cash audit, sales tax issues.
The Foundation contributes to the University by serving as the contracting agent for grants and contracts awarded to Cal Poly Pomona by governmental and private institutions.
The Foundation IT department is dedicated to providing comprehensive and high quality information technology services to the Foundation’s many customers including students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni and other members of the University community. Visit the IT webpage for more information.